Best 4th of July Decoration Ideas

4th of July is one among of the most anticipated holidays we look forward to on summers. Independence Day 2018 falls on a Wednesday which glowered most of the working personnel who were looking forward to a joyous weekend. What happens when Fourth of July is on a Wednesday? Well, the last time Independence Day came in a mid-week was on 2012 and it was a mess for employers. With America’s birthday falling on Wednesday, employees nationwide will be searching for their pinch of Independence and drawing the ire of the bosses in the process. It’s 4th of July, can’t help it!
Keeping aside the mid-week ruckus, 4th of July is an ideal time to recollect your patriotic vibes and rejoice in the Freedom our nation has offered. Since the schools are closed down for summer vacation, finding something that might keep the kids busy from gaming consoles and smartphones might be difficult. Well, Independence Day might be your key to find out what your kid is really made up of. Tagging them along with the 4th of July decorations might be the best thing you can do to invoke patriotism in them by drawing out their creativity. Since Independence Day is around the corner and you are looking for some unique 4th of July decoration ideas, this listicle can help you out in many ways….

1. Start With Your Front Yard

Apart from displaying the Star – Spangled Banner at the tip of your house’s bargeboard there are a lot more options available for you. Start with your front yard. Clean out all the clutter from your yard and prepare for some drastic makeover. Starting with your mailbox is a great idea. An American flag mailbox cover can be the perfect pick to kick-start your Fourth of July decorations. If you have a front yard garden, filling the flower beds with red, white and blue tulips can be a unique idea to show off your gardening skills. Run warm light fairy lights along the tulip bed to make them more appealing at night. Adding few patriotic pinwheels can take your garden setup to a whole new level.

2. To The Patio

Patios are a great place to enjoy the summer sun and breathe in some fresh fragrances from nature. With Independence Day just blocks away, patriotism is in the air, and with every breath, you inhale the spirits and vibes of the coming day. Making your patio look beautiful is always on the priority list of most of the home designers. Well, we are about to do the same. Fill your patio with wooden recliner chairs and wooden teapoys. Decorate with mini patriotic flags and patriotic wooden signs. Keep your patio decoration minimalistic but effective. The mini stars and stripes banner can also be used in gardens too. Even though your patio will have the attraction from the display flag, adding a few extras like an American bald eagle ornament will give it some extra patriotic vibes.

3. Knock Knock!

Decorating the doors for every special occasion has been a thing since ages. Even though you wouldn’t find anything new with this idea, following the custom and tradition is always fun. You might remember how you and your mom used to doll up the front door in every holiday seasons.
Wreaths have an important role in every holiday decorations. For this Independence Day, get an American Flag patriotic door hanger and ask your kids to help you out in setting it on the door. This is also the perfect time to trigger your kid’s patriotic emotions by narrating all the great wars our nation has fought. Adding a chime that plays star spangled banner is a pretty unique idea and will channelize patriotic spirits through your veins every time the wind sways past it.

4. God Bless America

Without the blessing of The Almighty One who knows where we could’ve been right now. The path we followed from 1776 to 2018 was indeed challenging and daunting. With blessing from The Almighty Father and with a strong heart, we marched ahead conquering every aspect of life. During this glorious journey, we have fought many, conquered many and mourned over many. We are not yet tired and still have huge reservoirs enough to still strive for and achieve success.
Home decorations for 4th of July must be pursued with the same passion and priority as mentioned above. God bless America wooden sign are a must for Independence Day decorations. Installing American freedom flags between your curtain streaks is an excellent idea if you are planning for a total Freedom day home makeover.

5. Linens and Decors

If you are planning for a Fourth of July themed interior, we would suggest going with changing your house linens. Get some patriotically themed linen from the nearest offline stores and try spicing up your home with it. Try to mix and match red, white and blue colored linens to indulge in freedom day vibes.
Introducing some new decors into your Independence Day decorations ideas can elevate the holiday spirits in you. Add some American flag plush pillows to your sofa to create a spiced up yet an elegant look. Fresh flowers are favorites of every holidays and Independence Day isn’t any different. Get fresh flowers from your garden to decorate your home. Place them in a Patriotic cowboy Boot planter to make them look more adorable and approachable.

6. The Fourth of July Soiree

Barbecue, music, and fireworks! These are the main catches of this day, and we love it. Well, it always brings merry when getting together with your family, friends, and colleagues. Host an Independence Day evening party with barbecues and drinks. Independence Day holiday is all about celebrating the freedom our nation has to offer. Setting up an outdoor Netflix screen is an excellent idea if you are staying far away from firework displays. And don’t forget that the firework show starts at 9:30 pm. So keep your booze under control and enjoy streaming this mesmerizing event.
Hosting an Independence Day soiree is much more difficult than it seems. You might need a lot of stars and stripes balloons, Flag cupcake holders, Patriotic star ribbons and much more. It will be a great idea if you provide an American Flag ice bucket to keep your beers and drinks chilled.

7. The Dining Table Etiquettes

If fine dining is your plan for 4th of July, you must make sure your table setting is perfect and elegant. Right from the tablecloth to the dessert plate, you must make sure everything is intact and perfect. Table centerpieces are a great way to bring luxury to the table. Juliska Berry and Thread  Footed Compote can be the most exquisite table centerpiece for a Fourth of July evening dinner. Use Patriotic Salad platesAmerican flag cupcake holders and Stars and Stripes printed oven mitts to show justice to the whole setup.


Decorating your home for 4th of July will actually resemble respecting your country and its virtues as its citizen. Make sure you enjoy and celebrate your nation’s birthday with all its glory and pride.


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