How to Celebrate Holy Week 2018

Easter is one of the most anticipated and celebrated holidays in the world. With 46 days of Lent starting with Ash Wednesday, people (mostly Christians) really look forward to the Holy Week to start. Holy week for Christians is an emotion more than just the last week of Lent Season. This is the week when Jesus Christ magnanimously sacrificed Himself for the humanity.
For all those who proclaim faith in Jesus and the Holy Bible, the Holy week holds a humongous significance. There is a vibe of religious sincerity mixed with exhilaration and jubilation in the air all along the week. The Holy week starts with Palm Sunday on 25th of March 2018 followed by Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Black Saturday on 28, 29,30 and 31 respectively. This is when you pass down the wisdom to the young ones in the family and educate them with the core of Christianity, love, sacrifice, and virtues.
Here are a few Ideas on how to celebrate Holy Week 2018 ardently….
Palm Sunday
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord
the king of Israel.”          
                       John 12:13   
Palm Sunday is a day of rejoice and happiness. This is the day Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem with all the glory of a king. People waved palm branches and leave all through His way as a token of acceptance. This is usually a happy day for all but, when the fact Jesus is going to be crucified at the end of the week hits you, all you can do is helplessly mourn for your sins.
Start your Palm Sunday by reading Matthew 2:1-11. The church conducts special Palm Sunday ceremonies which you can attend together with your family. You can also spend the day by placing palm leaves and branches in your home to reminisce the arrival of Jesus.
The Holy Wednesday
According to The Holy Bible, Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciple’s names Judas. He did this ruthless act for mere 30 silver coins. This shows the thriving greediness in humans and The Holy Bible has pictured this in a wonderful way. The Holy Wednesday is considered to be the day when Judas conspired with local authorities to betrayed Jesus. This day is popular as “Spy Wednesday” among Christian Community.
When coming back to daily life, Holy Wednesday can be commemorated by spring-cleaning your house as if you are washing off all your sins and impurities. This day is the perfect day for some soul-searching and soul-cleansing acts by remembering Jesus. A repentance box might also be the best option you figure out the roots of the sins in among your family. This will clearly leave you with the feeling of internally cleansed and at peace.
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday or the “Last Supper”. It is believed that the foundation stone of Christianity was laid on this day. Holy mass is one of the crucial parts of Christianity. Holy Mass is a celebration (with prayers and hymns) where the whole life of Jesus Christ is remembered. There is a section which resembles Jesus’s Last Supper in the Holy Mass. Christianity teaches that the bread and wine used resembles the Lord’s Flesh and blood. Another thing that Maundy Thursday celebrates is the act when Jesus washes His disciple’s feet. This is an act of humility and service, thereby setting an example of loving and serving one another.
Celebrate Maundy Thursday with your family in the same way Jesus Christ Celebrated with His disciples. There are special prayers and rituals in Churches on this day and it would be great if you take part in them to strengthen your faith in Christianity. If you are planning to stay home, you can reminiscence Jesus’s act of “Last Supper” by getting few hot cross buns and wine. Pray and feast on it with your family. Use special serving trays for buns and Waterford wine glasses. You can also try washing your family’s feet resembling how Jesus did. This will let your family know how much you value and love them.
Good Friday
Good Friday is a Christian holiday that commemorates the passion of Christ and His crucifixion. After his “Last Supper” Jesus was taken away by the Roman soldiers with the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. They tortured Him day and night hurting both physically and mentally. He was later crucified. Jesus Christ died for every one of us; to protect us from the Holy wrath of God for our sins. Even at the miserable and exorbitant time on the cross, all He did was to plead forgiveness to His Father for us, the humans.
Good Friday is considered as one of the dark days in Christian Calendar. On this day, Churches urges the followers to spend the day praying. You and your family can spend this day reading Bible or singing hymns for Jesus’s departed soul. The Catholic Church urges people to fast on this day (one full meal).
With the end of “Black Friday,” Jesus Christ has passed away and was laid to rest in eternity. The next day which was a Saturday turned out to be a without a savior for Earth. The day which has a black and gloomy face was thus named “Black Saturday”. Spend this day praying and watching a few like; “Passion of the Christ”. The next day is Easter and the day which marks the core of Christianity. The belief that Jesus has risen from the dead is really jubilant and rapturous.
Wishing you all a pray-full Holy week and a wonderful Easter!!!!


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