What is Passover and How to Celebrate Passover in 2018

The History of the Passover
The Passover is ultimately a celebration of freedom. Most of you must be well aware of the Israelites who were literally living under the hideous regime of Egypt. 'The God's People' were surviving through a living hell in those times according to the Holy Bible. With empty stomachs and months and years of extreme torturous labor, the Egyptians pushed and punished each of Israel, regardless of their gender, age and skill. But, a phosphorescence of hope was given to them when they were informed that a savior would be born to rescue them from the monolithic clutches of the regime. Well, the news reached Pharaoh's ears in no time. To defend itself from the upcoming fate, the decision to kill all the firstborn from Israel was taken.
This hideous act of Pharaoh was made by God the furious and the Pharaoh had never had any idea what was going to hit him. It was just like a calm before a huge storm. Moses, an Israel born was chosen by God to save and lead his people out from Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses lived as one among the Pharaohs until he realized where exactly he belonged. Once he regained the right track, God sent Moses back to Pharaoh with the command "let my people go" (Exodus 8: 1). When the pharaoh replied abruptly and denied every opportunity for a negotiation, God decided to rain his wrath upon Egypt. God punished Egypt with 10 plagues. The last and the worst of the plagues was the death of all the firstborn in Egypt. Well, what can you say, Tit for Tat right?  
The Passover resembles the "pass over" of God on the night of the tenth plague. God told the Israelites to sacrifice a spotless lamb and use its blood to mark their doorposts and lintels. Later that night, the destroyer reigned in Egypt, killing all the firstborn from the houses that were not marked. All the firstborn of Israel were saved as the destroyer never entered their house. Along with the instruction to apply blood on the doorposts, God offered a commemorative meal: roasted sheep, bitter herbs, and unleavened bread. He again asked them to pass this ritual down to younger generations too.
This is how the Passover originated and this is why we celebrate the Passover every year ...
How to Celebrate Passover in 2018
Celebrating Passover in 2018 is no different than you celebrated it last year. Jews are instructed to follow the statutes and pass them down to their younger ones. Celebrating Passover is more of an emotion than just a tradition. The Passover is always near the Easter, but this observance goes way beyond Easter's existence and celebrating this day together with the family is one of the best experiences you'll come across in your life. Here's how you can celebrate the Passover in 2018 with all its rich traditions and rituals ...
1.Prepare At least a Week Before
Since Passover is really a get-together dinner party, proper preparation is a must. Well, you can not expect to come up with a fine recipe overnight right. So, decide on your lamb recipe a week before or if you have a family recipe you follow for Passover dinners, make sure you confirm it with your elders. Clean you home both inside and out. Start your Passover week with a fresh mind and fresh environment.
2. Get To Know The Core Of The Day
Passover is all about celebrating the freedom. But, it also includes all the pain and torture your ancestors went through while getting to the Promised Land. Start your day by reading  Exodus 12 . As for the kids gather around your elders and ask them to narrate the whole scenario. This would be a great time to spend a quality time by bonding with your family.
3. Prepare The Seder
The seder is the most important celebration of the Passover week. This is a festive meal that is usually practiced on the first night of the Passover. There are plates which are especially dedicated to Passover Seder. The  Seder plates for the Passover  have six sections each followed by the six symbolic foods. The six symbolic foods include bitter herbs, Charoset, vegetable, shank bone, egg, and lettuce or horseradish. Unleavened bread is said to be devoured in this day and you can place your Matzoh for the dinner on Matzoh plates for Passover . 
4. Reminiscence In The Past
Use this day to remember your ancestors. Just like the Israelites, you can paint your door frame for this day. If painting seems like a rather absurd idea for you, try to hanging the red ribbons on the door to prevent the God's Angel from Death from entering your home.
5. Watch the Passover Movies
There are many movies that show "The Great Exodus" from Egypt. Find a few movies and watch it along with your family to get into the spirits of the Passover. Movies like  Ten Commandments  and  Prince of Egypt  are some of the honorable mentions you can enjoy.
If you are thinking that celebrating the Passover is all Jewish, then you are wrong. So celebrating the Passover will not prove anything but a great opportunity to know your past and the ways your predecessors have passed. It's just like a walk through the memory lanes. Celebrate Passover 2018 with your family and beloveds to bring out the best of the day.


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